Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Tamara Abalde:
I do a lot of planks. I include them in every workout I do: as warm up before doing a basketball workout, when I’m done before stretching a little or as a part of the weights workout. I love that they help not only working on your abs and core but you can feel your whole body working and getting more toned.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Tamara Abalde:
I absolutely love seafood, cheese, fruit, bread and good olive oil. I try to keep to minimum sugar, chocolate, chips, candy and just any processed food.
Namita Nayyar:
Five skincare myths.
Tamara Abalde:
For me there are two non-negotiable rules: always take off your make up and clean your skin before going to bed, and always wear facial 50+ sunscreen.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Tamara Abalde:
Oysho, Black Limba, Nike and Adidas.
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