Jari’s Tips:

*If you don’t have a plan in place for your fitness goals, then you’re planning to fail. To be successful, I tell my clients to think in terms of the “Three D’s”: Discipline, determination and dedication! This is especially true when trying to workout at home, where you may be facing many more distractions. Focus on making your workout a habit. I recommend trying to do at least something in the morning and to arrange fitness clothes and gear the evening before, so that you’re ready to go. Avoid negative self-talk or “stinking thinking” where you allow yourself to get overwhelmed and discouraged. You are what you think and, if we say it enough, we become what we think. Change your mind and your body will follow!
*Be emotionally connected to your goals. Ask yourself how you are going to feel after a workout or after you eat something. You want what you do, and what you eat, to make you feel good. Working out during these uncertain times can help boost your endorphins and keep your mood lifted. This time of social distancing is going to pass but, until it does, you can imagine that you’re away at a spa and you’re in control of your time with no excuses. You can use this time to get in great shape, or the time can simply pass by and you could easily find yourself coming out on the other end ten or fifteen pounds heavier.
*Make the most of your time and what you have at your disposal. If you don’t have free weights, you can use plastic jugs of water to add some weighted resistance to your moves. I designed my Get Ripped programs to incorporate compound intervals to maximize results. If you do a bicep curl with 8 lb. hand weights, for example, you may burn say 2 calories a minute. If you do that same bicep curl combined with a squat, then perhaps it bumps up to 7 calories per minute but, if you perform the same bicep curl with the same weight and use a squat and a step platform, it can increase the calories burned to 12-15 calories per minute!
Even if you are walking, you can dramatically improve your results and increase your heart rate by taking walks that involve inclines and declines, as opposed to just a flat terrain. If you own a treadmill, exercise cycle, or elliptical at home, incorporate using it while watching your favorite television programs.

Want to try Get Ripped for free? You can enjoy several of Jari’s full length workout videos on her YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/jarilove. I’ve also partnered with psychologist Claire Hanlon (BAA, Bed, MACP) and we share strategies and to combat emotional eating and depression which are freely available on Facebook at @JariLoveFitness.
You can learn more about Jari Love and her workout programs at https://www.jarilove.com/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JariLoveFitness/, on Instagram @rippedjari, and on Twitter @JariLove
Holly Perkins, has a B.S. degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition. She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, founder of Women’s Strength Nation, author of Lift to Get Lean, voted Top Trainer to follow by Shape Magazine, and can be seen in numerous exercise videos.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.