The single biggest cause of skin ageing is sunlight. You should use a sunscreen every single day of the year. This will help prevent your skin from becoming prematurely aged as well as guard against burning. The ageing rays of the sun are as prevalent in the cold winter months as in the hot summer ones so it’s a daily safeguard you should take.
Cigarette smoke speeds up the ageing process because it strips your skin of oxygen and slows down the rate at which new cells are regenerated. It’s responsible for giving the skin a grey sluggish look and can cause fine lines around the mouth because heavy smokers tend to be constantly pursing their lips to draw on a cigarette.
Many older women don’t cleanse their skin as thoroughly as they should believe this can lead to dryness and lines. However it’s essential to ensure your skin is clear of dead skin cells dirt and make up to give it a youthful fresh glows.
You don’t have to use harsh products to do this – a creamy cleanser removed with cotton wool (cotton) is a good option for most women. If your skin is very dry try massaging it with an oily cleanser. Leave it on your skin for a few minutes then rinse away the excess with warm water.

As well as a daily moisturizers you can also boost the water levels of your skin on a weekly basis. You can either use a nourishing face mask or apply a thick layer of your usual moisturizers or night cream. Whichever you choose leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes them removes the excess with tissues. Apply to damp skin for greater effect.
Buy a gentle facial scrub or exfoliate and use once a week to keep the texture of your skin soft and smooth. This will also increase the blood flow to the top layers of skin giving it a rosy glow and help encourages cell renewal. Alternatively you can get the same effect by lathering up a facial wash on your skin using a clean shaving brush.
Existing lines can be minimized to the naked eye by opting for the latest light – reflecting foundations concealers and powder. These contain luminescent and powders. These contain luminescent particles to bounce light away from your skin making lines less noticeable and giving your skin a wonderful luminosity.
Along with a regular skin – care regime remember to treat your skin occasionally to special treatments such as facial serums and anti- ageing creams. As well as improving the look of your skin they’ll encourage you to give it extra care on a regular basis.
Extremes of cold and hot weathers can strip your skin of essential moisturizers leaving it dry and more prone to damage. Central heating can have the same effect. For this reason ensure you moisturize regularly changing your products according to the seasons.
For instance you may need a more oily products in the winter which well keep the cold out and won’t freeze on the skin’s surface. In hot weather lighter formulations are more comfortable on the skin and you can boost their activity by using a few drops of special treatment serum underneath.
Be careful you don’t drag at your skin when applying skin – care products or make – up. The skin around your eyes is particularly vulnerable to showing the sings of ageing. A heavy touch can cause the skin to stretch and go creepy. So make sure you always use a light touch instead and whenever you can take your strokes upwards rather than drag the skin down. Also avoid any products that make your skin itch sting or feel sensitive. If any products cause this sort of reactions stop using it at once and switch to a gentler formulation.
Skin- care benefits aren’t just confined to skin – care products these days. In fact many make – up products now contain UV filters and skin – nourishing ingredients to treat your skin as well as superficially improve it’s appearance. So investigate the latest products – it’s well worth making use of them for 24- hours day benefits.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.