Namita Nayyar:
How do you like to kick start your day with Zane around?
Whitney McClintock Rini
This summer when I was training, we would start our day at 630 AM- Zane starts his day with mommy milk every day- then we would pack up breakfast and lunch and head to the lake. He loves hanging out with his sisters (Paige 21, and Megan 19) at the lake, playing in the water, riding in the boat with his dad (Matt Rini), and enjoying the summer! Time at the lake is the best way to start any day, and it gave me the ability to train while Zane had lots of stimulation.

Namita Nayyar:
It can get stressful at times multi-tasking as a sportsperson, mom, entrepreneur. How do you go about balancing your life?
Whitney McClintock Rini
YES, it has been stressful at times. Multi-tasking is NOT a strength of mine. Perfectionism is one of my struggles as well. So, feeling like I was not doing a good job at skiing, motherhood, Real Estate, or keeping my home at any time has been very frustrating to me.
The most important lessons I learned this summer were:
1) compartmentalizing my life works for me, and
2) underachieving was totally okay!

I am really good at doing one thing at a time- being a mom- I felt like I was excellent as long as there weren’t other things distracting me; like that mountain of laundry making me feel guilty about being a bad housewife; skiing- it is important to me to have someone watching Zane so I can focus on my warmup & training; real estate- I am learning to limit my searches to naptime and showing on weekends that I am off from skiing; keeping the house- I have to be okay with grocery shopping OR cleaning the house on my day off, not both!
By being mindful that keeping Zane happy & healthy is my priority, and trusting that God will provide and take care of all the details, I am able to give myself grace for the things I can’t do and be more grateful for the tasks that I can do!

Namita Nayyar:
Message for all females on motherhood, pregnancy, and achievements?
Whitney McClintock Rini
Pregnancy is the most miraculous, terrifying, and beautiful experience in life. Motherhood is the most exhausting, rewarding, heart exploding, and overwhelming lovely gift I could have ever been given. No achievement could ever compare to the feeling of pride and joy I feel when I think about Zane. Which, in some crazy way, has made winning easier and so much less stressful!
Mommas really are superheroes! We can grow a human inside of our bellies; then supply every ounce of nutrition for their rapid growth for 6+ months; then we chase them around believing that we are teaching them how to be good people for the next 18 years – but the reality is, he has been teaching me how to be a better person!
Live Your Dreams,
Follow Whitney McClintock Rini on:
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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
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