15. Jillian Michaels

Celebrity Fitness Trainer
Instagram: @jillianmichaels
1. Favourite Exercise
Kickboxing, YOGA, HIIT TRAINING. That’s why I built all kinds of workouts into the My Fitness App. So people get variety and they can do what they enjoy.
2. Favourite Health Foods
Pomegranate, Organic Greek Food with Manuka Honey, Organic Sea Salt Popcorn, Avocado Toast.
3. Favourite 2018 Social Media Memory
The insta stories my friends and I did in Egypt!
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
I’d like to do the Empire State Building climb.
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
- Waze
- Apple Health App. I sync all my info with it. Even my app syncs with apple health so I can track everything I’m doing for fitness, nutrition, and health in one place.
16. Danette May

Self-Love Activist & Author
Instagram: @thedanettemay
1. Favourite Exercise
I love to exercise. For me, it is like free therapy! Exercise clears my mind, which helps me balance work and family. I love mountain running. Let me clarify…I could never run on a treadmill. I need to feel the wind on my face, hear the sound of nature, and smell the clean, crisp fresh mountain air. I also love to do one of my HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts. They make me feel strong and full of energy in a short amount of time.
2. Favourite Health Foods
I am a lover of superfoods. I admit it, I am a nerd, and I continue to learn everything I can about superfoods, even if I am off the clock. Superfoods never cease to amaze me with their healing powers!
3. Favourite Social Media Memory
On July 25, 2017, my fan page reached 1 million likes! I will never forget that day. My husband and I were oddly enough, at Facebook headquarters in New York when we received the news! I was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I know that reaching 1 million likes is so much more than a number. It is about the realization that my dream was coming to true to impact the lives of women around the world. I could not stop smiling for days! 🙂
4. One 2019 Fitness Goal
I want to continue with overall health in my body, spirit and mind. This entails eating healing foods each day, which will include at least 1 item that is green, grows from the soil and is kissed by the sun. It will also mean I will move my body in a healing way that feels good. I will work on my posture and flexibility. I would like to be able to do 10 pull ups and touch my toes in 2019.
5. 3 Apps That You Use The Most
Thrive Market, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jason Stephenson
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.