9. Bevin Prince

Actress & Senior SoulCycle Instructor
Instagram: @bevinaprince
1. What does Body Positivity mean to you?
Body positivity to me is a marriage. I am choosing to love and honor my incredible gift of a body every day. Like a marriage, some days I will fail, but I promise to recognize where I have sacrificed compassion and love for a toxic idea of perfection. I promise to treat my body with respect. I promise to choose my body over any other and try and support it no matter what life brings us. I know that we will never be perfect and I promise to dig deep to find the beauty in our imperfections. It’s you and me, babe.
2. 3 tips or tricks to boost your self confidence.
- Don’t follow things on social media that do not make you feel good. If it doesn’t make you feel good to look at something online… then STOP. Surround yourself with positive people in real life and online. What you focus on grows, so be incredibly specific with how you are spending your time.
- Let me be real, I want and like to look a certain way but my body, like life, fluctuates. So, during times when things aren’t how I personally prefer them, I focus on all the incredible things my body does for me. I find ways to move and play that inspire me, that feel good, that remind me of my strength. My body allows me to do what I love- SoulCycle every day, it gets me around the city, and it allows me to physically hold all the people close to me. The body ebbs and flows but it always shows up for me, even when I don’t show up for it.
- For me, my body is a representation of my choices. I have never had visible abs and I don’t think I ever will. It’s not because I can’t. I’m sure if I changed my diet and put in a different kind of work then I could, but I love food, wine, desserts and rest and the feeling of vitality! So when my mind starts to pick apart an extra layer, a little jiggle, I remind myself that that is the pasta and wine I shared with my family, the morning I skipped my workout to order breakfast in bed with my husband, the late night pizza I shared with my neighbor and all the other choices I have made. I love those choices so therefore I love that jiggle.
3. All-time favourite quote.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. … No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.
4. Where do you see the #bodypositive movement this year?
I see all of us evolving a little more and really starting to embrace our unique individual bodies. I see us continuing to shift from a certain look to strength and vitality. I see us putting down our phones, stopping ourselves from judgement directed at others and ourselves, and I see us starting to act like the people we want to be. I think we all are doing a lot of talking and we need to start walking the walk.. myself especially.
5. Fitness Goals for 2019?
My big goal for 2019 is flexibility. I do not struggle with making a workout happen. I struggle with slowing down and breathing deep. I swear this coming year I am going to do some yoga and maybe use my foam roller, at least once.
10. Shauna Harrison
PhD in Public Health, Yogi & Creator of Muscle + Flow
Instagram: @shauna_harrison
1. What does Body Positivity mean to you?
To me, body positivity extends beyond just the acceptance of the spectrum of body shapes. It reaches deeper than just how we perceive our bodies and other’s bodies in the world. It’s more than how we speak of the body as a culture or in our conversations. It goes all the way into our subconscious and conscious thought patterns. How are we speaking to ourselves about our bodies? What words are we choosing? What expectations and rules and “if only’s” are we placing on ourselves. Positivity has to start as your deepest core first. And we cannot forget that this also means it has to include how we take care of our bodies: movement, fuel, hydration, recovery, sleep, mental health, all of that is also part of doing positive things to take care of your vessel. Body positivity is all of these things combined.
2. 3 tips or tricks to boost your self confidence.
- Get in your body. Move your body in a way that feels good to you. Care for your body as if it were the only one you had because it is.
- Meditate (in whatever way works for you). Self talk is what can most quickly rip down our self esteem. Get in there and change your thought patterns.
- Own your badass. You are an incredibly unique, magical and necessary part of this world. Act accordingly.
3. All-time favourite quote.
“Nobody built like you, you design yourself.” ~ Jay Z
4. Where do you see the #bodypositive movement this year?
I definitely feel like the concept is hitting various aspects of culture these days, which is great. I do hope, though, that we can not mask body positivity as just being about the aesthetic and external aspects of the body. The internal is just as (if not more?) important to consider. Praising all bodies in their beautiful glory is awesome, but also praising what happens within each body that has nothing to do with what’s reflected outside is also important.
5. Fitness Goals for 2019?
Fun fact: I never really set fitness goals. My “goal” is always to get a little better with every opportunity that presents itself. I am a process-oriented person. I would rather celebrate the moments that happen along the way rather than a given goal to hit so I have little victories every day.
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