Ms. Namita Nayyar:
In 2015, you took part in Celebrity Big Brother 15. How did it come about and how was your experience working on the sets?
Ms. Cami Li:
I had only watched one season of CBB & thought, “I need to get on that show!” I had my manager work on it for me until they gave me a chance. At first they didn’t even wanna meet with me, which made me more persistent. My experience working on the show was hard and fulfilling, at the same time. The show really tested my patience and sanity.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You are a world-leading media personality, fashion icon, model and reality TV star. Provide us a glimpse into a day of your remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle.
Ms. Cami Li:
Hm, I’m usually up by 7 am and go to yoga for 60-75 mins, then I head home & get ready for my day! Whether it be a vampire facial, nails, or just selling real estate. I’ve put modeling on the back burner, at the moment. Oh, and planning for my wedding! Which takes place this month, March 31st.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
With an extremely beautiful physique that you have, it seems staying fit is a part of your lifestyle. Unfold the exercises that comprise your fitness regime on a daily basis?
Ms. Cami Li:
I am a huge fan of yoga! Not only does it keep me tone, it keeps me sane! I used to get bad anxiety & yoga has really helped me get that under control.
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