Pregnancy is a truly special time in most women’s lives, but it is also a time to take extra considerations for our health. You have not just yourself to be concerned with, but additionally, the wellbeing of your unborn baby growing inside of you. This is a huge responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, with the aid of a good prenatal vitamin paired with healthy lifestyle choices, both you and your growing little one have a much greater chance to thrive happily together!

Everything necessary to grow and develop is virtually supplied directly from mother to our unborn babies in the womb. We literally become the primary source of all their essential nutrients absorbed thru the food we eat. This is why practicing healthy diet choices are detrimental to the livelihood of our little ones.
What to Eat During Pregnancy:
A healthy balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, and whole grains is highly recommended during pregnancy to provide proper nutrition to you and your baby. Below are some additional things to consider…
- Dairy: Incorporating dairy, especially Greek Yogurt high in calcium and probiotics, can help fulfill the need for healthy growing bones, support digestive health, and reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. Additionally, most people who are lactose intolerant are still able to tolerate Greek yogurt and other yogurts, making it a great choice for most.
- Salmon: Known to be rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids DHA and EPA, this will aid in brain and eye development and Vitamin D. Even though salmon is considered a lower mercury fish, pregnant women are advised to limit their salmon intake to 2-3 meals per week.
- Water: It is essential for pregnant women to stay hydrated and intake plenty of water during pregnancy since our blood volume increases during this time. This will also help prevent constipation and UTI’s.
- Lean Protein: Lean Meats and Proteins such as beef, chicken, pork, and eggs, are all great sources of high quality protein also high in iron, choline, and B vitamins. Eating lean proteins will also help you stay fuller longer, providing you a healthier, more satisfying choice when feeling hungry.
- Berries: A satisfying yummy treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth! Berries are not only delicious but so good for you. They are high in Vitamin C, water, healthy carbs, fiber, and rich in antioxidants – all of which make them a great source of nutrition while also supporting skin and immune health.
What NOT to Eat/Consume During Pregnancy:

Due to the high risk of harmful effects to you and your baby, the following things should be avoided during pregnancy…
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Unwashed Produce and Raw Sprouts
- Raw or Undercooked Meats, Fish, and Eggs
- Unpasteurized Milk, Cheese, and Fruit Juices
- Processed Meats and Junk Foods
- Fish with High Levels of Mercury (ex: swordfish, shark, tuna, and king mackerel)
- Caffeine (it is recommended for pregnant women to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200mg per day, or approx. 2-3 cups of coffee.
When in doubt, seek advice from your physician or health care provider to help ensure a healthy and smooth pregnancy.
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.