Losing 5lbs or 5 kilos on the scale is a challenging task. Every effort put in needs to be recognized and rewarded, so that the person in question keeps up the great work. Reward could pour in the form of cash or treatment tickets to enjoy all the effort put in.
Take note, all of the gifts or rewards along the way should help you work toward your ultimate goal.
For e.g.
- 10 pounds lost = $10 at Goodwill/popcorn
- 20 pounds lost = $20 at Goodwill/nail colour
- 30 pounds lost = $30 at etc.
Buy a trip to SPA salon: A hard weekly workout deserves to be well rewarded with a body rejuvenation treatment at a salon. The word SPA stands for sanitos pro aqua meaning health through water. You could reward yourself with a pedicure, manicure or a body massage. Remember, the most important thing you can do to enjoy your trip to the spa is arrive at least 15 minutes before your treatment is scheduled to begin. That way you can check in, change into your robe, and start to relax. If the spa has facilities like a sauna, steam bath, or hot tub, arrive even earlier.
Take a day off from work: (Take a personal/vacation day): Call your friends, text your colleagues, tweet the news that you have scheduled a day off and won’t be available. Put all the things in a box that you don’t want to use during your day off. Things like cell phone, and computer will top the list, but there may be other things. Also include things left undone, and worries by writing them on a piece of paper and placing it in the box.
Enjoy a Movie: You, know the movies the ones that make your heart grow ten times bigger, or the ones that give you the strength of ten warriors on your side. These are the movies that inspire us. 300, Braveheart, Coach carter, Lords of the rings etc.
Buy an App: Apps can help increase your odds of success by reminding you of your goals, helping you track them more easily, and providing motivational support. Go ahead and buy yourself one. stickK is one such app which gives you an option to commit money to the goal — if you don’t achieve it, stickK will send your money to a friend, charity, or an organization you don’t like (as a further incentive to make sure you achieve your goal).
Take a day off from doing the dishes or other household task: Women really get burnt out doing office and household job. Taking a day off can prove rewarding, relaxing and something to look out for.
Play ‘Words With Friends’ or another game like crossword puzzle, jigsaw puzzle, Sudoku puzzle, etc.: In ‘Words with Friends‘ up to 20 games can be played simultaneously using push notifications to alert players when it is their turn. Players may look up friends either by username or through Facebook, or be randomly assigned an opponent.
Pamper yourself with a new hair cut or hairstyle: Visit a hair salon in your locality, check out the schemes being offered and go for a hair job for a different look. You will remember it as a hallmark.
Take a class in rock-climbing or healthy cooking: Rock climbing can prove a challenging sport besides serving an altogether new experience. A cooking class help you learn the difference between sautéing and simmering, but also develop a skill that will become part of your continued success.
Plan your grocery shopping: Create a “master list” of all of the healthy foods that you’ll need to get through the week eating healthy. Go and get them all at once and them stock them at home. This way, you will always have healthy food options that will help you in your weight loss goals. You also won’t be caught off guard with the “munchies” and nothing to snack on in the house but your children’s (or significant other’s!) junk food. Don’t let your effort towards healthy living be wasted.

Share your Accomplishment: Acknowledge your contribution towards a healthy change. Rest and relax, its your day. Take a couple of minutes to write down or even email yourself a few important or time sensitive things you accomplished during the week. At the end of the week, you have a nice series of emails recapping your week and helping you benchmark how productive you were. You can even share your accomplishments with family, friends and loved ones.
Record the day and time of your achievement and mark your next goal. You are a star and deserve a standing ovation.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.