Charlene Bazarian
Founder of FBJFit to help inspire and encourage others. She lost 96 pounds. She is an attorney, but fitness has become her true passion.

How has the pandemic affected you?
Like many women, and working mothers, in particular, the pandemic has impacted almost every aspect of my life. As an attorney and a writer, I have a home office, and early on in the pandemic, I went from having my office to myself to suddenly sharing it with my husband and having my three sons scattered around the house doing Zoom classes for school. While the court systems were basically shut down for the type of civil legal work I do, I did find I had more time to devote to my writing. This created a shift for me, and like many women are experiencing, a pivot in my career goals moving forward. The time away from friends has made me also realize, as a self-proclaimed extrovert, how very much I value social connections and shared experiences.
Management during Pandemic at the personal, professional, mental, emotional, or physical level:
I think the biggest challenge of the pandemic for me has been trying to maintain a positive spirit, not only for myself but for my family. I care for my elderly mother, who lives with us, and as she was at the greatest risk, as a family we did everything we could to minimize our exposure risks. As a mother, it was so hard to see my sons miss out on big life moments like proms, graduations, and true college experiences. I describe the last two years as just being emotionally exhausting and found it important to do everything I could to promote mental health and well-being in my own family and in my work. Whether it was taking bike rides with my sons or using my writing and social media platform @FBJFit to highlight self-care and the importance of fitness, I tried to combat the universal feeling of isolation, loss, and despair that the pandemic had created.
Message for International Women’s day
My message to other women, particularly, those just starting out, would be to not play small, or as I like to say, “dull your sparkle,” to make other people feel comfortable. Find what excites you and brings you joy, and pursue it with relentless determination. Not everyone on your boat is rowing and it is up to you to be captain of your own ship.
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