Namita Nayyar:
Again, we are in absolute awe of your enviably-toned physique, share three components that are a must in your workout regime?
Abigail Clarke:
Healthy eating, self development and squats. Just because I’ve had surgery I still have to maintain what’s been done. It’s not as easy as just get surgery and that’s it. You have to still work out and eat well. Also I’m very heavily into self development and my faith. I read lots. Books like The power and YouTube videos of Tony Robbins really help motivate me. I really believe on starting work on the inside and that shines on the outside. I’m also learning to smile more as I think people find me unapproachable.
Namita Nayyar:
Food that constitute an essential part of your diet? Foods that are essential plus those that you keep to the minimum?
Abigail Clarke:
I have a wheat allergy so I have to be very careful with my intake of certain foods.
I have to keep some wheat in my diet but lost of foods I eat are from the freeform section and organic section in the supermarkets. Carbs for that reason I keep to a minimum. Foods that are essential are fruits and vegetables, chicken, fish and high fibre snacks like nuts.
Namita Nayyar:
Your favourite cheat meal(s)?
Abigail Clarke:
Cheese is my guilty pleasure. Anything with halloumi is a big cheat of mine.

Namita Nayyar:
Being an entrepreneur, a reality TV star, model and a popular media personality, what are your 5 tips for working women to stay fit while travelling?
Abigail Clarke:
You tube! There’s so much available online and we always have our phones with us. There is never an excuse. Work out! It helps with your mind to! So many people suffering from anxiety and depression, I suffer with anxiety and for me working out really helps me mentally as well as physically. If you don’t have time HITT workouts I would recommend from the comfort of your living room.
Namita Nayyar:
You decided to go under the knife after being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. PCOS is becoming extremely common in young girls, what are your tips for its management & prevention?
Abigail Clarke:
I would say try to stay away high processed and high sugar foods. Prepping your meals always helps such as chicken salads or salmon brown rice so it’s easy while at work in the week. Detoxing your body also. Sometimes I will go on a Candida cleanse which restores balance of bacteria back into the body.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.