Ball exercises for abs focus on the upper and lower abs muscles as well as the oblique(s). Catch up on top 10 exercises to tone up and slim down your midsection.
Area of Focus: Lower abs
- From a push-up position, have your lower legs and the tops of your feet on top of the ball, placing your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Now, bring your knees toward your chest as you slowly roll the ball forward with your ankles and feet. Then straighten your legs, rolling the ball back out to the starting position. Repeat.
- Keep the ball’s movement under control.
- Focus your mind on feeling your lower abs do the work.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your hands under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Reverse Crunches
Area of Focus: Lower abs
- Lie on your back on top of the ball, placing your feet on the floor. Grab the support bar behind you and raise your feet off the floor until your knees are directly over your hips.
- Curl your knees past your hips, bringing them toward your chest. Repeat.
- Try to raise your hips slightly off the ball as you bring your knees toward your chest.
- Focus your mind on feeling your lower abs do the work.
- Keep your neck lengthened.
Plank Rolls
Area of Focus: oblique’s
- From a down plank position, have your thighs on the ball and your hands directly under your shoulders. To make it more difficult, place your lower legs on top of the ball.
- Using your legs and your oblique muscles, roll the ball to the right as far as you can without losing balance. Then roll the ball back to the starting position and as far to the left as you can. As the ball moves, your legs will get closer to the floor.
- In this exercise, the goal is to turn the ball in place.
- Focus your mind on your oblique’s.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your hands under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Plank Twists
Area of Focus: Oblique
- From a down plank position, have your thighs on the ball. To make it more difficult, place your lower legs or the tops of your feet on top of the ball. Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Keeping your legs on top of the ball, rotate your right hip up to the twelve o’clock position. Then rotate your left hip up to the twelve o’clock position.
- Try to keep the ball from moving.
- Focus your mind on your obliques.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your hands under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Area of Focus: Upper and lower abs
- Kneel in front of the ball, placing your hands in a prayer position on top of the ball.
- Roll the ball forward until your arms and shoulders are fully extended. Then roll the ball back to the starting position. Repeat.
- Focus your mind on your abs.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your buttocks contracted and your hips stable to protect your lower back.
- Extending your hips forward will make the exercise more difficult.
Roll-outs with a Cross
Area of Focus: upper and lower abs and obliques
- Kneel in front of the ball, placing your hands in a prayer position on top of the ball.
- Roll the ball forward and at an angle to your left until your arms and shoulders are fully extended. Then roll the ball back to the starting position and extend the ball out at an angle to your right. Repeat to the other side.
- It’s like you’re making the letter V.
- Focus your mind on your abs.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your buttocks contracted and your hips stable to protect your lower back.
- Extending your hips forward will make the exercise more difficult.
Roll-Ins with a Cross
Area of Focus: upper and lower abs and oblique’s
- From a push-up position, have your lower legs and feet on top of the ball and your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Bring your knees toward your chest as you slowly roll the ball forward with your ankles and feet. Then extend your legs and the ball back at an angle. Roll the ball back to the starting position and repeat to the other side.
- Draw the letter V as you roll the ball back and forth.
- Keep the ball’s movement under control.
- Focus your mind on feeling your lower abs do the work.
- Keep your neck lengthened and look straight down.
- Keep your hands under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Area of focus: lower abs
- From a push-up position, have the balls of your feet on top of the ball and your arms extended directly under your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line.
- Use your feet to pull the ball toward your hands as you raise your hips above your hands. Roll the ball back to the starting position and repeat.
- Keep the ball’s movement under control.
- Focus your mind on feeling your lower abs do the work.
- Keep your neck lengthened and in alignment with your spine-don’t look up or tuck your chin.
- Keep your elbows under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Area of Focus: Upper and lower abs
- From a down plank position, have your feet on top of the ball and your arms extended directly under your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line.
- Hold this position for the prescribed time.
- Variation: You can make this exercise easier by moving your thighs on top of the ball. Or you can make the movement more difficult by putting the balls of your feet on top of the ball.
- Keep the ball from moving.
- Focus your mind on feeling your abs do the work.
- Draw your belly button toward your spine.
- Keep your neck lengthened and in alignment with your spine-don’t look up or tuck your chin.
- Keep your hands under your shoulders for the entire movement.
Side Bends
Area of Focus: Oblique’s
- Lie sideways on the ball and scissor your legs wide, with your feet on the floor for support. Place your right hand behind your right ear and your left hand across your waist.
- Raise your torso sideways, bending over your hip. Repeat the movements until you have completed your set. Then switch sides.
- Keep the ball from moving.
- Think of bringing your rib cage toward your hip.
- Draw your belly button toward your spine.
- Keep your neck lengthened and in alignment with your spine-don’t look up or tuck your chin.
- You can make the exercise more difficult by extending your arms over your head.
Stretch & Relax.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.