Namita Nayyar:
Mothers find it difficult to balance their routine with fitness. Share your personal journey as to how you managed to keep up with the same.
Jenn Labonte:
Finding a balance is truly an individual journey. Every one of us has a unique set of circumstances. I don’t tell the women I work with to follow this routine and only this routine because I know it won’t last more than a week or even a few days. Instead, we work on establishing a routine that works for them.
Personally, I not only train women through my Jenn Lab Fit app but, I also work 9-5 as a Senior Manager of Social Media for a global nonprofit. While I could sustain working in one and not both, this schedule allows me to benefit from doing the things I love throughout the day. It also makes me extremely relatable! When someone comes to me and says they’re having trouble finding the time to work out, I can easily say, “I get it” and provide some helpful tips on finding the time. Typically the time is there, we just don’t want to get up 30 minutes early, or get active during lunchtime or after work. Write your daily schedule out on a piece of paper and look for the pockets of time that would allow for a 30-45 minute workout. Even 20 minutes is better than no minutes.
I’ve established a routine that works for me and one that I now look forward to. I wake up earlier than I used to in order to fit my workout in, but I also go to bed a little earlier now as well. In our fitness journey, we have to make small behavioral changes to see results. Getting to bed earlier is probably the biggest culprit and the first place you should look. Start with 10 minutes earlier then add on over the next few weeks.

Namita Nayyar:
Let us know more about THE JENN LAB FIT APP.
Jenn Labonte:
I’ve worked with women in helping them reach their fitness goals for the majority of my fitness career. Combine that with what I’ve learned from my personal fitness journey of overcoming the injuries and boundaries that sidelined me for a few years and the Jenn Lap Fit app was created.
I wanted a way to bring women over 40 together from around the world that are trying to stay active, get strong and find a balance in their lives. I wanted a place for women that are struggling with injuries, haven’t worked out in a long time, are nervous to get started, and want a place to work smarter towards reaching their goals. We work on crushing the misconceptions, strict diets, and high-impact workouts and replace them with small, simple daily steps to reaching our individual goals safely, confidently, and affordably. The app includes:
- A weekly total body strength program for all fitness levels is to be completed from home. Includes 4 total body strength training workouts and 2 cardio recommendations.
- 2 weekly live workouts directly from the app which will also be stored in a library for you to complete at any time.
- Weekly healthy habit goals to help you make small, consistent steps toward long-term results.
- An extensive library of scientifically backed, individual exercises at your fingertips.
- Recipes that include healthy, balanced, easy-to-make meals to choose from.
- Weekly wellness tips and guidance through dedicated in-app blogs.
- And my favorite part – is a community of like-minded women empowering and cheering each other on.
The app is only $15/month and you can sign up here: https://jenn-labonte.web.app.
Learn more about Jenn Labonte:
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