Namita Nayyar:
A motivational quote you stick by.
Lisa Lanceford:
Don’t just dream for success, work for it!
Namita Nayyar:
Share your workout & diet routine now during a lockdown?
Lisa Lanceford:
I don’t like to call it a diet as it’s my lifestyle and not a diet. My nutrition has stayed the same except some days I am increasing my calories as I am working out more, so I need to make sure I am fuelling my body right. I am doing LIVE instagram workouts with my followers and challenging myself with new HIIT workouts alongside weight training (working with what I have) and my morning walks.
Namita Nayyar:
Your workout without gym equipment at home would be?

Lisa Lanceford:
A HIIT workout! I am really enjoying those right now, it makes me feel amazing afterwards.
Namita Nayyar:
Social media is instrumental in today’s era. Two things you love and hate about it?
Lisa Lanceford:
I love that you can reach/connect with so many people across the world and have a positive impact in their lives without realising!
I hate that there is lots of negativity and people feel they’re able to body shame others behind a keyboard.
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