Health Officials Urge Support for Screening for Colorectal CancerReported September 11, 2007 WASHINGTON (Cox News Service) -- At a House briefing Friday, American Cancer Society officials said deaths from colorectal cancer could be reduced drastically if widespread early screening is implemented. Medical officials also said that increasing colon cancer screening could … [Read more...]

Morphine May Stimulate Cancer Growth
Morphine May Stimulate Cancer Growth Reported November 27, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Morphine is a common pain relief medication used to treat postoperative patients after chronic cancer pain, but new research shows it may stimulate cancer growth. In laboratory studies, morphine has been shown to directly boost the growth of tumor cells while inhibiting … [Read more...]
New Weapon to Fight Pancreatic Cancer
New Weapon to Fight Pancreatic CancerReported April 21, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers may have found a new weapon to wield in the fight against one of the deadliest forms of cancer. A therapy combining the agents tigatuzumab and gemcitabine demonstrated the ability to cause remission of pancreatic cancer tumors in a recent study. The combined therapies reduced … [Read more...]
Oral Rinses Detect Cancers
Oral Rinses Detect CancersReported November 04, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A simple test may be all it takes to find some cancers. New research from Johns Hopkins University finds an oral rinse may detect human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive head and neck cancers. Researchers took oral rinse samples from 135 patients with head and neck carcinomas. An analysis of the tissue … [Read more...]
Possible Fix for a Risky Hormone Mix
Possible Fix for a Risky Hormone Mix Reported October 26, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The right combination of hormones could relieve menopause symptoms and reduce the risk for breast cancer, new research shows. Currently, women in menopause who have symptoms but haven't had a hysterectomy are treated with a therapy that combines estrogen and progestin; but progestin can be … [Read more...]
Red Meat and Processed Meats Linked to Cancer
Red Meat and Processed Meats Linked to Cancer Reported December 12, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) You may want to hold the bacon and skip the steak at your next meal. A new study find people who eat a lot of red and processed meats have greater risk of developing bowel and lung cancer. The research adds to the growing evidence that … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness>Shocking Away Melanoma
Shocking Away Melanoma Reported December 2, 2005 TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer. Chemotherapy and other standard treatments are not very effective in treating the disease, but a new therapy is being tried on patients after it helped 80 percent of mice with melanoma. Here's why patients are "shocked" by how this therapy … [Read more...]
3 drinks a day raises breast cancer risk
3 drinks a day raises breast cancer risk December 21, 2007 BARCELONA, Spain - All types of alcohol wine, beer or liquor add equally to the risk of developing breast cancer in women, American researchers said Thursday. "This is a hugely underestimated risk factor," said Dr. Patrick Maisonneuve, head of epidemiology at the … [Read more...]
Survival Better for HPV Cancers of Mouth
Survival Better for HPV Cancers of Mouth Reported May 13, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The type of tongue and tonsil cancers that responds best to treatment are those linked to human papillomavirus (HPV), while tumors that express a certain growth factor are the least responsive and most deadly, a new study reveals. This new information could lead to improved treatment. … [Read more...]
Too Few Colon Cancer Screenings
Too Few Colon Cancer Screenings Reported January 11, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Its a cancer that can be detected, yet fewer than half of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer undergo a screening for the disease before their diagnosis. Researchers say the results of a new study show colorectal cancer … [Read more...]
Eat your greens to reduce cancer risk
Eat your greens to reduce cancer risk December 10, 2007 Just three servings a month of raw broccoli or cabbage can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by as much as 40 per cent, researchers have found. The scientists surveyed 275 people who had bladder cancer and 825 people without cancer. They asked especially about cruciferous vegetables such … [Read more...]
Ultra-Precise Radiation
Ultra-Precise RadiationReported December 26, 2005 STANFORD, Calif. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Radiation is a necessary evil for more than half of all cancer patients. The treatment can last for weeks and pose harsh side effects. Now, a new machine allows patients to receive higher doses of therapy in less time. Since a diagnosis of … [Read more...]
Vitamin D3 fights colon cancer
Vitamin D3 fights colon cancer Reported July 10, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The active form of vitamin D3, essential to calcium absorption and bone health, also seems to have anticancer effects. To try and understand the underlying mechanisms, researchers set out to identify genes whose expression in a human colon cancer cell line was altered by the … [Read more...]
New MRI Technique Helps Detect Cancer
New MRI Technique Helps Detect CancerReported December 04, 2009 In Health Watch: Methodist Hospital in San Antonio is helping test some new MRI imaging techniques to detect cancer that's spread to the brain much sooner.As Wendy Rigby reports, that's good news for patients whose lives may depend on early detection.It's a test that can mean the difference between life and … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness> Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer
Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer Reported November 18, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A recent study by the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center in Italy and the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy, shows a significant increase in the incidence of malignant tumors, lymphomas and leukemias in rats exposed to varying doses … [Read more...]
Quit alcohol to reduce mouth cancer risk
Quit alcohol to reduce mouth cancer risk Reported May 09, 2008 The Mouth Cancer Foundation is calling for a reduction in the current daily alcohol intake safety guidelines. It follows the worldwide report which concludes that men and women who drink just two glasses of alcohol a day increase the risk of developing mouth cancer by 75%. … [Read more...]
Blood Test to Detect Lung Cancer
Blood Test to Detect Lung Cancer Reported December 11, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) A new blood test could help identify patients that have lung cancer. The blood test could save patients from undergoing more invasive procedures to find out if they have the deadly disease. CT scans are often used to detect lung cancer, but they have a … [Read more...]
Kid’s allergies ‘may boost cancer risk’
Kid's allergies 'may boost cancer risk'Nov 5 2004 Suffering from some kinds of allergy as a child could increase the risk of developing blood cancer in later life, a new study suggests. Researchers in Sweden followed 16,539 twins for more than 30 years, tracking any allergic conditions they suffered and the development of any cancer of the blood. Writing in BMC Public … [Read more...]
Catching Lung Cancer Early
Catching Lung Cancer Early Reported December 07, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) The discovery of genetic markers in the blood which indicate early-stage lung tumors could lead to a simple blood test to detect lung cancer in its earliest phases, when it can be most successfully treated. Lung cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in both men and women … [Read more...]
Chemotherapy Resistance
Chemotherapy Resistance Reported September 01, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Cell cycle checkpoints act like molecular tripwires for damaged cells. Leave the tripwire in place for too long, however, and cancer cells will press on regardless, making them resistant to certain types of chemotherapy, according to researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. "A lot … [Read more...]
Colors Make Surgery More Precise
Colors Make Surgery More PreciseReported August 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Cancer surgeries may soon get more colorful and more precise. Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have developed a new imaging system that highlights cancerous tissue, making it easier for surgeons to see and remove it with less damage to normal tissue. The technique could … [Read more...]
Diabetes Increases Cancer Risk in Japanese Adults
Diabetes Increases Cancer Risk in Japanese Adults Reported September 26, 2006 There may be a link between diabetes and cancer -- something researchers have suspected for a long time. Now a study from the National Cancer Center in Tokyo reveals Japanese adults who have diabetes may have an increased … [Read more...]
Double Treatments Improves Survival for People with Brain Cancer
Double Treatments Improves Survival for People with Brain Cancer Reported January 21, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) - Combing radiation seeds and chemotherapy wafers, as opposed to receiving only one of the therapies, lengthened the life of participants in a study on treating a particularly deadly form of brain cancer. … [Read more...]
Exercise Benefits Leukemia Patients
Exercise Benefits Leukemia Patients Reported August 04, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Though it may seem counterintuitive, given that the most bothersome symptom of leukemia is extreme fatigue, a team of researchers has shown that physical activity can significantly improve symptoms of fatigue and depression, increase cardiovascular endurance and maintain … [Read more...]
Fixing Leaky Lungs
Fixing Leaky LungsReported July 21, 2008 WASHINGTON, D.C. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- About 200,000 people a year are diagnosed with new cases of lung cancer. Until now, surgery required long and trying hospital stays, but a new development is making recovery faster -- and less painful. Joel Hammond is a man on the move. "I like walking because it gets you outside see the … [Read more...]
Not all cancers deadly
Not all cancers deadly Reported July 11, 2009 PARIS - WOMEN take note: Not all breast cancers kill. One in three women diagnosed with breast cancer in public screening programmes are being treated needlessly, a new study has found. The reason is that their tumour will not be life-threatening, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reported on Friday. The study by Scandinavian … [Read more...]
Genes Help Kick Habit
Genes Help Kick Habit Reported June 09, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) The power to quit smoking may be in your genes. For the first time, researchers have identified gene patters that appear to influence how well one responds to specific smoking cessation treatments. The research was a collaborative effort between Duke University Medical Center, the National Institute of … [Read more...]
Good for the Prostate, Bad for the Brain?
Good for the Prostate, Bad for the Brain?Reported July 31, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A common treatment for men with prostate cancer may be negatively impacting their ability to think and reason clearly. Researchers who reviewed previous studies on hormone deprivation therapy, also called androgen depletion therapy, found between 47 percent and 60 percent of men on the … [Read more...]
Heat Kills Lung Cancer
Heat Kills Lung Cancer Reported April 5, 2005 NEW ORLEANS (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Late-breaking research presented over the weekend at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology in New Orleans shows heat may be the best way to kill lung cancer. Riccardo Lencioni, M.D., from the University of Pisa in … [Read more...]
How to Kick the Smoking Habit
How to Kick the Smoking HabitReported August 26, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New research shows statewide tobacco control programs may be the most effective option to reduce the financial and health burden of smoking. Results of a University of California, San Diego, study show California saved $86 billion on personal health care costs between the start of its statewide … [Read more...]